
Wood Craft go to International

car from wood
Indonesian handicraft in great demand by people overseas, even imported into the United States and the European continent. And now some lua gallery established in the country by selling handicrafts produced from Indonesia. Maybe because it's been fairly rare, with the number of timber harvested to serve as a settlement. The future, all that wood production will be a unique and rare item.

In practice usually the goods are brought in the form of semi-finished, for economical place in the process of removal from the country area of Indonesia towards the countries in the world that's correct. Producers hoped would follow the development of designs that suit the tastes of consumers, timeliness of delivery and packaging issues, particularly to avoid damage to goods in the market tujuan.Dalam handicraft products, companies not only sell Antique Art in the form of finished products, but also serve orders product according to the model and size of its consumer desires.

Indonesian handicraft production is exported to foreign countries of interest are classified into production because of quality, material, unique shape and design of relief, as well as good quality . The next Antique Art not only serve the needs of sales to households but also among restaurants and consumers perhotelan.Bahkan from Netherlands also ordered her crafts and delivered directly by using a company vehicle.
This craft needs to get serious attention from the government to continue to grow and is able to control trade in the market international. Handicraft product is currently not yet be defeated by the production of other handicrafts. Because the other crafts are usually ornate and accessories, while a wooden handicrafts can be used for household needs. Wood crafts from strong and elegant classified from wood fiber, although there is tight competition from handicrafts made from waste / recycle, read also craft paper


  1. the business fashion care for your blog

    1. Woodcraft is famous since ages and probably one of the most primitive arts. It is the artistic practice of shaping and decorating wooden objects into diverse forms. Thanks a lot.
